ThermaLight is a clear vision on skin therapy treatments using intense pulsed light.
The ThermaLight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) machine is tried, tested, approved and recommended by many in the UK. ThermaLight equipment has been successfully used for treatments of acne, facial lines, wrinkles couperose, rosacea, hair removal and skin pigments.
Intense Pulsed Light is unordered light of several wave lengths. This light is produced by a specially constructed xenon lamp. Using filters, the spectrum can be partially adapted. ThermaLight is absorbed light which is converted into heat.
IPL treatments have become more and more popular in the UK over the last few years. This is due to the great results produced by IPL equipment such as ThermLight along with the number of treatment options available, ease of use and the number of treatable conditions.
Acne develops when skin cells don’t shed properly. This blockage encourages an oil called sebum and a bacteria called propionibacterium. The ThermaLight IPL treatment is an effective lightbased therapy for acne. The therapy will destroy the most common bacteria that cause acne.
Collagen and elastin are key parts of the skin’s structure. Wrinkles develop as a result of a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin. This loss is mostly caused by sun damage and aging. As wrinkled skin is thin and fragile, re-thickening and building of collagen is necessary to reverse wrinkles. The treatment of wrinkles with ThermaLight IPL will destroy the collagen under the wrinkle and make it grow back in 3 to 4 weeks, pushing the wrinkle up and making it disappear.
Blood vessels associated with this condition will gradually vanish with targeted IPL treatment. Controlled injury to the blood vessels initiates the body’s natural response to break down and remove damaged tissue. New cells rebuild and replace the problem area with clear, beautiful skin.
The hair follicle is the core from which a hair grows. It is a tiny core which looks like a bowl that is located in the fat layer of the skin. The ThermaLight IPL is an ideal treatment for single or independent unwanted hair on the face or body. The hair follicle will be destroyed and the hair disappear.
Pigment spots and age spots which are blemishes on the skin associated with ageing and exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, can be treated with the ThermaLight IPL. They range in colour from light brown to red or black and are located in areas most often exposed to the sun, such as on the hands, face, shoulders, arms, forehead and sometimes on the scalp.
Size and weight:
Light source: Intense Pulsed Flash Lamp
Engergy Density: 0 J/CM2 – 50 J/CM2
Pulse Rate: 1-6 MS
Cooling Method: Water: Semiconductor. Wind
Control Panel: PC Touchscreen
Pulse Duration: Output once every 3 seconds
Applicable power source: AC. 220V (180-265 VAC)
AC. 110V (90-135 VAC)
Amazing combination when used with ThermaVein® for the treatment of rosacea.
Water cooled
4 interchangeable filters
Results driven
Cost effective
Competitive prices